There are many risks covered by Title insurance, and those are:
Someone else owns an interest in your land
Deeds delivered after death of seller or buyer
Wills not probated; undisclosed or missing heirs
Mistakes in the public records
Impersonation of the owner
Forged deeds, mortgage releases, etc
Falsified records
Instruments executed under fabricated or expired powers of attorney
Someone else has an easement or encumbrance on the land
Lack of right of access to and from the land, vehicular and pedestrian, based upon a legal right
Confusion due to similarity of names
Deeds or mortgages by those mentally incompetent, of minor age, or supposedly single but actually married
Transfer of title through foreclosure sale where requirements of foreclosure statue have not been strictly met
Someone else has rights affecting your title because of leases, contracts, or options
Source: Lwyers Title https://www.lticsd.com/LTRS2SanDiego/media/SanDiego/Docs/Educational-Flyers/Title/Risks-Covered_by-Title-Insurance.pdf